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Planning application - NY/2024/0088/NMT

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Application Number:
Awaiting commencement of consultation
The A59 at Kex Gill from the west of the junction with North Moor Road and Blubberhouses
Ward 1:
Pateley Bridge & Nidderdale
Application for Non-Material Minor Amendment which relates to Planning Permission Ref. C6/19/05134/CMA for proposed watercourse realignment, culvert changes, Interceptor drains, bridleway adjustments, ponds 1 & 2, localised changes to earthworks profile, modification of the Tie-In with Hall Lane and Church Hill & soft landscaping works
Corporate Director
Applicant's Address:
County Hall Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 8AH
Date Received:
Date Valid:
Press Notice Date:
Press Notice appeared in:
Agent's Address:
8 First Street Manchester M15 4RP
Site Notice Date:
Decision Date:
Agreed Extension of Time Date:
Committee Decision / Delegated to Chief Officer:
Appeal Decision:
Committee Date:
Decision Date:
Appeal Decision Date:
Application for Non-Material Minor Amendment which relates to Planning Permission Ref. C6/19/05134/CMA for proposed watercourse realignment, culvert changes, Interceptor drains, bridleway adjustments, ponds 1 & 2, localised changes to earthworks profile, modification of the Tie-In with Hall Lane and Church Hill & soft landscaping works
  File name File Type Date Size (kb) Pages
Planning Documents
Constraint Code Description
ALC Agricultural Land Classification - Grade 4/5
SGZ Airfield Safeguard Zone - Leeds Bradford Airport (Civil NATS)
SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation - West End Marsh - falls within
IRZ Impact Risk Zones for SSSI's - falls within
AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - Nidderdale AONB - within
FZ_2 Environment Agency - Flood Zone 2 - falls partly within
FZ_3 Environment Agency - Flood Zone 3 - falls within
IBA Important Bird Areas - North Pennine Moors - within
SAC Special Area of Conservation - North Pennine Moors - Falls within
SPA Special Area of Protection - North Pennine Moors - Falls within
SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest - West Nidderdale, Barden and Blubberhouses Moors - falls within
PROW Public Right of Way_outside National Parks - 15.14/7/1/ & 15.14/4/1 - falls within
PROW Public Right of Way_outside National Parks - Bridleway 15.14/5/1 - within application site
BR_BA Bridges/Bats - Hall Beck Bridge - within application site
CCA Coalfield Consultation Area - Notts - within
LBLDG Listed Building - Myer's Lair Barn/Mile Post approximately 30 metres West of Paradise - falls within - Blubberhouses Hall - Now Venture House (Grade II) - 20 m N from area of proposed development - various others within 250 m
AWOOD Ancient Woodland - Blubberhouses Hall Wood - 46 m N from area of proposed development
SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation - Thruscross Reservoir - Over 500 m from area of proposed development
SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation - Timble Ings - Over 1000 m from area of proposed development
No Public Notices
Name Consult Type Date Sent Due Date Date Received Reply
NYC - Heritage - Ecology Consult 27/06/2024 18/07/2024 -
NYC Heritage - Principal Landscape Architect Consult 27/06/2024 18/07/2024 -
The Lead Local Flood Authority (SuDS) Consult 27/06/2024 18/07/2024 -
No Neighbours