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Planning application - NY/2024/0098/A27

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Application Number:
West Tanfield
Nosterfield Quarry, Nosterfield, Bedale, North Yorkshire, DL8 2PD
Ward 1:
Application for the approval of details reserved by condition no's 14, 25, 33 & 43 of Planning Permission Ref. C2/22/00251/CCC which relates to a lighting scheme, construction and environmental management plan, tree protection measures and biodiversity net gain
Tarmac Trading Limited
Applicant's Address:
Ground Floor, T3 Trinity Park Bickenhall Lane B37 7ES
Date Received:
Date Valid:
Press Notice Date:
Press Notice appeared in:
Wardell Armstrong LLP
Agent's Address:
City Quadrant 11 Waterloo Square Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4DP
Site Notice Date:
Decision Date:
Agreed Extension of Time Date:
Committee Decision / Delegated to Chief Officer:
Appeal Decision:
Committee Date:
Decision Date:
Appeal Decision Date:
Application for the approval of details reserved by condition no's 14, 25, 33 & 43 of Planning Permission Ref. C2/22/00251/CCC which relates to a lighting scheme, construction and environmental management plan, tree protection measures and biodiversity net gain
  File name File Type Date Size (kb) Pages
Planning Documents
Constraint Code Description
ALC Agricultural Land Classification - Grade 2/3
SGZ Airfield Safeguard Zone - RAF Topcliffe (MOD), Leeming Aerodrome & Technical Station (MOD)
FZ_2 Environment Agency - Flood Zone 2 - falls within
FZ_3 Environment Agency - Flood Zone 3 - falls within
IRZ Impact Risk Zones for SSSI's - within
IDB Internal Drainage Board Area - Bedale & Upper Swale IDD - Swale & Ure Drainage Board - within
SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation - Flasks and Kiln Lakes, Nosterfield - within
CNSAR Conservation Area - Over 1000 m from area of proposed development
SAM Scheduled Ancient Monuments - Three round barrows at Three Hills 500m north east of Camp House/ Earth circles, cursus, pit alignments and burial sites near Nosterfield and Thornborough, including Centre Hill round barrow - Over 250 m from access road
LBLDG Listed Buildings - Various over 250 m from access road
PROW Public Right of Way_outside National Parks - Footpath - Over 250 m from area of proposed development
HLS Historic Landfill Site - Land to the North of Moor Lane - Over 500 m from area of proposed development
AWOOD Ancient Woodland - House Close Wood - Over 500 m from area of proposed development
No Public Notices
Name Consult Type Date Sent Due Date Date Received Reply
Cllr. David Webster Consult 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Environmental Health Officer (Hambleton) Consult 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Highway Authority Consult 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
NYC - Heritage - Ecology Consult 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
NYC Heritage - Principal Landscape Architect Consult 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
Rawcliffe IDB Consult - - -
Well Parish Council Consult 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
West Tanfield Parish Council Consult 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 -
No Neighbours